Campus Safety
Valencia College makes every effort to ensure that our campuses are safe and crime-free. In addition to having campus security personnel on duty 24 hours a day, we provide the additional safety measures listed below.

Valencia Alerts
Students who sign up for Valencia Alerts Emergency Messaging System will receive instant notifications via e-mail, phone or text message if there is ever a crisis or emergency on campus.

Campus Security
Campus security personnel are on duty day and night to control traffic and parking, and provide for the safety and welfare of students, faculty and staff. Security will also assist with vehicle services, which include unlocking vehicle doors and providing a jump-start.

Safety Reports
All higher education institutions in the U.S. are required to report annual campus crime statistics. Valencia’s crime statistics are available through our security website:

Security Call Boxes
Security call boxes are located on the campus perimeters and in the parking lots. To activate the call box, you only need to open the door, which will send an alarm over the security radio system. An officer will be dispatched to that location to provide assistance.

Campus Escort System
Through this service, a campus security officer can accompany you to your class or vehicle, if you are not comfortable walking alone. If you ever would like an escort, you may contact your campus Security Office.

Safety App
Safety App for Employees and Students
The Valencia College Safety app allows students and staff to simultaneously call and send their location to security in case of an emergency on campus. It also offers other safety features, such as an emergency contacts list, a place to report tips, campus maps and more.
Download the Valencia College Safety app today.