English for Academic Purposes

English for Academic Purposes is an English program for speakers of other languages. The program is designed to bring English skills to a level that will help students be successful in college courses. EAP is designed for students who have some background in English. These courses will help prepare you to excel in your American classrooms. Internationals must place into a minimum of EAP Level 4 in order to enroll in college courses at Valencia College.

Please note: Not all courses are offered at each campus location. Speak with your assigned advisor if you have additional questions.

EAP Courses

Additional information about EAP courses can be found in the course catalog.

EAP Levels

Level 2

Course Title Course ID Credits
Combined Skills EAP 0281C 6

Level 3: Low Intermediate - LOEP: 70-79

Course Title Course ID Credits
Combined Skills EAP 0381C 6

Level 4: Intermediate - LOEP: 80-89

Course Title Course ID Credits
Speech EAP 0400C 3
Reading EAP 0420C 3
Composition EAP 0440C 3
Structure EAP 0460C 3

Level 5: High Intermediate - LOEP: 90-99

Course Title Course ID Credits
Speech EAP 1500C 3
Reading EAP 1520C 3
Composition EAP 1540C 3
Structure EAP 1560C 3
Integrated Reading, Speech, & Listening EAP 1586C 6
Integrated Writing & Grammar EAP 1585C 6

Level 6: Advanced - LOEP: 100-109

Course Title Course ID Credits
Reading EAP 1620C 3
Composition EAP 1640C 3

English Composition

Course Title Course ID Credits
Freshman Comp I ENC 1101 3